We tried to compile a list of commonly used terms and acronyms in the Microstock industry that might not be intuitive to understand for newbies, so we can always point them here when they ask “What does it mean?”
In some cases these were written a bit tongue-in-cheek, so don't take them all too seriously. đ
Terms and Acronyms commonly used in micro stock discussions
Acceptance Rate – Number of images accepted for sale in comparison to the images uploaded to an agency; rates depend on strictness of the agency and can range from below 50% (usually for beginners) to above 90% (for experienced contributors)
Agency – originally a company representing the interests of artists, today commonly used for companies factually acting as distribution platforms
API – application programming interface; offered by some agencies to connect third party solutions, either for contributors or customers
BME – Best Month Ever. Can be meant as number of downloads and/or royalties earned
BMYÂ – also: BMTY Best Month this Year. Can be meant as number of downloads and/or royalties earned
CGI – Computer Generated Image, not shot through a camera but generated with specialized programs
Credit Pack – as opposed to subs, the client pays for a certain amount of credits and can exchange these for images priced in different credits by size
DeepMeta – free external software used to upload files to iStockphoto
DL – Download, usually a paid one
DP – DepositPhotos, a newcomer showing some success in entering the microstock market segment
DPC – Dollar Photo Club; a low end subscription offer launched by Fotolia
DT – DreamsTime, microstock agency with slightly higher pricing, especially on best selling images
Editorial Image – Image that can not be licensed for advertising or merchandise use due to lack of releases for the people, places or trademarks visible
Editorial Use – Not to be confused with Editorial Image, as also commercially usable images can be used within an editorial context to illustrate articles or news
EL – Extended or Enhanced License; higher paid download giving more rights (multi-seat, print runs, resale products) to the client
Exclusive – Option offered by several agencies to submit certain images or the whole portfolio exclusively to one agency, usually rewarded with higher royalties
FAA – Fine Art America; site focused on selling art prints of images
FT – Fotolia, microstock agencies, especially strong in the central European markets
GI – Getty Images, the largest stock image agency on the planet
Image Pack – as opposed to subs, with an image pack the customer buys a certain number of downloads to be used up over a longer period of time (usually one year)
IPTC – image meta data included in the file, e.g. description and keywords
IS – iStockphoto, the inventor of the microstock segment in licensing
LCV – Low Commercial Value; term for images which are in general technically subpar and/or of a subject that is not demanded often by customers
Lobo – sometimes referred to as “pieman”; a mythical creature in the dark realms of microstock forums, specifically those hosted by iStockphoto
Macrostock – a market segment offering high priced images, usually either RF or RM, with largest file size usually taking several hundred of dollars for a license
Midstock – somewhere in between the Macrostock and Microstock segment, with prices typically ranging from $10 to $100
Microstock – a market segment offering image licenses at much lower prices (usually starting below $1 for the smallest resolution)
Mobile Stock – Image shot and/or processed with mobile devices like smart phones and tablet computers; the exact definition can vary between agencies and contributors
MR – Model Release; formal document signed by a person to allow the photographer to license his/her likeness for commercial purposes
MSG – MicroStockGroup, online community forum for exchanging information and opinions or getting peer feedback
PAYG – Pay as you go; commonly used for all single image sales, sometimes image or credit packs included
PP – Partner Program; mostly iStock specific but also other agencies which are distributing images through third parties
PPV – Pay per View; innovative license model allowing the customer to use images without fixed fee but paid later per impression
PR – Property Release; legal document allowing the photographer to sell images of a protected place, product or art work
Referral – A contributor or customer referred by an active member, usually being rewarded with a fixed fee or a percentage of sales/purchases
RF – Royalty Free; perpetual licenses for images, valid across multiple uses and media
RM – Rights Managed; license priced based on a specific use and time frame, can be from months to years
ROI – Return on Investment; money made back compared to the money spent on an image or shoot
RPD – Royalty per download; the average amount made by the contributor for each of their licenses sold, typically below $1 for microstock
RPI – Return or Royalties per Image; total royalties earned divided by the number of images in a contributor's portfolio, usually per month
SS – or SSTK; Shutterstock, a microstock agency introducing the subscription model to broad parts of the global market
SOD – Shutterstock specific term for non-subscription downloads like special customer agreements, can range from subscription royalties to three digits
Subs – Images licensed through a subscription program, usually paid at a fixed fee
UL – Upload, file send to an agency for licensing
WME/WMY – Worst month ever/this year, see also: BME/BMY
YAWOB – Yuri Arcurs White Orange Blue; typical color range found in images of the superstar in microstock
Yuri – fictitious photographer who changed the face of microstock
Did you miss acronyms or a term?
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