As Getty Images, has announced at their appearance at Advertising Week 2014, the leader in global image licensing builds on the success of its #RePicture campaigns and launches a new contest from now until November 20, 2014. Photographers – hobbyists and ambitious artists alike and everybody who loves photography – are invited to submit images re-picturing the big topics that influence our life and thoughts in modern time.
Getty wants to #RePicture the world as it is
Getty Images along with their microstock brand iStock by Getty and their long term partner EyeEm – a platform for mobile image sharing – has used the #RePicture term and hashtag to mark a certain type of images that put new light on commonly talked about issues and topics in our days. With the new global photo contest, Getty asks photographers to share their vision of the big issues that define our modern living: Family, luck, beauty of innovation along with a lot of buzzwords commonly discussed.
As the organizers state, they belief in the ability of images to change our view onto the world and therefore the world we live in. The successful campaigns in the past were about re-picturing women's empowerment or modern work life. The new competition will be open to the public, with the Brief explaining the topics and demands as well as listing the jury and the prices. Beyond the cameras for the winners, contest participants could be invited to submit their images through Getty's licensing platform for sale to marketing and media users around the globe.
To submit images, photographers have to register on the site. Participants are also invited to share their images through social media channels like Twitter and Instagram, using the #RePicture hashtag to find fellow peers to exchange their views and visions.
The contest page also allows access to recently submitted images, so anyone can view and vote on the submissions so far. There will also be a price selected by public opinion at the end of the contest in early December.