Microstock agency Shutterstock has published a new App aimed on contributors. The app is available on the iTunes App Store as well as on the Google PlayStore for Android.
The app integrates perfectly with the web interface for contributors to Shutterstock: Uploading, keywording and categorization of new images can be done through either of the channels or combined – upload images through your smart phone and keyword them later through the web interface for example.
There is also an overview of the monthly earnings and all the details can be looked at for daily sales.
In addition, the content team provides interesting sales information and some automated features remind the contributor which of his images are exceptionally successful. This allows for planning new image uploads for better success.
Check out the Shutterstock Contributor App Video
The app can be downloaded here:
What do you think?
Have you used the App? What do you think about it? Tell us in the comments!