Panthermedia announces a new interesting policy pricing that will try to optimize the sales opportunity per image based on the sales history of each image. The new pricing scheme has three price tiers: BLUE, RED and BLACK. Prices indicated in the next table are dynamic:
Blog |
1,90 € |
2,90 € |
3,90 € |
Web |
2,90 € |
5,90 € |
9,90 € |
M |
9,90 € |
19,90 € |
39,90 € |
L |
14,90 € |
29,90 € |
59,90 € |
XL |
19,90 € |
49,90 € |
79.90 € |
24,90 € |
69,90 € |
99,90 € |
Once uploaded, images are classified as follow (details here)
Category BLUE |
Category RED |
Category BLACK |
1. Image review after upload | all standard images | all images with arecommendation | all images with aneditorial tip |
2. Image was sold | > Image changes in RED | > Image changes in BLACK | |
3. Image is not sold within 12 months |
< Image changes in BLUE | < Image changes in RED |
The Panthermedia intenstions are:
Old or unsold images get a second chance
New and elaborate images are sold at higher prices
The sales opportunities for images of all categories will improve
The average price at Panthermedia increases
The next charts explains visually this process, Algorithm of the new pricing scheme at PantherMedia