Introducing Stockfuel – For creatives, by creatives
Stockfuel is a new website to sell and promote creative stock products. We asked Jay Birch – web design, motion, videography and audio production – that created this new company, to illustrate us what are the peculiarities of this project.
Stockfuel is a website to sell and promote creative stock products, including imagery, audio, video, vector, Flash and After Effects projects. The site is aimed at creative users from several different industries… film, print, tv/broadcast and web design.. to name a few.
Our site is designed to be fast and easy to use, with a very strong search system. For contributors, the system is very simple… there are 3 choices for uploads, via the site, via FTP or via All 3 systems can pick up metadata stored in IPTC or .csv files. The last two systems allow for very fast, multiple uploads, you can have your whole library added to our site with the click of a button.
As a new business in a saturated market, the question is asked… why use stockfuel? Well, the owner and designer of the site, and several of our staff are stock sellers and buyers. We understand the business well, we made a list of things we liked and disliked from our experience of various stock sites and set out to make a resource that worked perfectly for stock sellers and buyers alike.
Our inspiration as creatives comes directly from nature, we travel the world and film/photograph some beautiful places… but unfortunately, we also see the constant destruction of our natural world. This has led us to offer 10% of our yearly profits to various charity groups with the same interest as us. We are spreading the money between conservation groups, experimental groups and animal charities. Once we have finalized a list of charities, they will be added to the site.