Are you struggling to find a good stock photo? Finding a suitable photo for your web site is not an easy work, because keyword search may not work well. GazoPa provides you an easy and intuitive way to find photos. Just upload an image to GazoPa and GazoPa helps you to find similar stock photos. If you want to see alternative choices, click any images on the page and GazoPa shows you other images that are similar to clicked one.
Easy way to see how GazoPa works is to click a sample image on top page. Click ‘stock photo' tab on search results page. Stock photos that are similar to sample images would be displayed.
Searching for Flickr photos with Creative Commons has been popular for years at GazoPa. Adding stock photos to our database helps users to find images from broader range. Stock photos from Shutterstock is available now and other stock photos will be added to our database soon.
About GazoPa
GazoPa is a next generation image search engine that uses features from an image such as color and/or shape to search for and identify similar images. GazoPa enables the use of users own photos, drawings, images found on the web and keywords as search keys to locate similar images. GazoPa is a finalist of TechCrunch50 in 2008.