From 123rf's blog
We're approaching the 10th million image mark FAST. To commemorate this epic milestone, we're rewarding the owner of image ID 10,000,000 with an Apple Macbook Air.
Don't wait. Upload today!
We welcome your comments, questions and emails:
Good luck to all our contributors!
* Apple Inc. is not a participant in or sponsor of this promotion.
* Apple and Apple Macbook are trademarks that belong to Apple Inc.
Terms and Conditions
- All contributors who upload images to shall automatically eligible to participate in this campaign.
- The winner shall be announced as the contributor who owns the photo/illustration of Image ID 10000000 on
- The image ID allocation process is fully automated and does not require any human intervention.
- Only images that are accepted shall be allocated an Image ID.
- The winner will agree to allow to use their name in its promotion activities.
- The winner shall allow 5 to 6 weeks for processing of the prize.
- 123RF Limited reserves the right to exchange the prize to another of equal or greater value if the Macbook Air is not available in the winner's country or region.
- Employees, agents, vendors, competitors and partners of 123RF Limited and members of their immediate family are not eligible to participate in this campaign.